ASCVD 10-Year Risk Calculation for Excel Files

Secure, online tool for calculating 10-year risk of a first atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) event

See this walk-through video for detailed instructions on using this tool.

Step 1 - Load Excel File

Select file

Important information:

  • The Excel document's first row should contain heading names; all other rows should contain data
  • This web app works best in Google Chrome
  • All data is stored on your local web browser. No spreadsheet data from your file is transmitted to

Step 2: Specify Input Data

Excel Sheet
Data rows 0 rows
Input Variable Column Name Encoding
Sex Male =
(female = all other values)
Age Years
Race Black =
(non-black = all other values)
Total cholesterol
HDL cholesterol
Systolic BP mmHg
Treatment for hypertension No =
(yes = all other values)
Diabetes No =
(yes = all other values)
Smoker No =
(yes = all other values)
Generate ASCVD Values

Step 3: Preview Data

The following columns have been added to the data set:

  • ascvd: The 10-year ASCVD risk expressed as a decimal value (e.g. 0.075 = 7.5% 10-year risk). If an ASCVD value was not able to be calculated (usually due to missing data), this value was set to -1.
  • ascvd_warning: If a patient's input parameters were outside of the allowable limits (such as being too young or too old), a warning message will appear in this column. If an error occurred when calculating an ASCVD value, this column will indicate the reason for the error.

IMPORTANT: It is the user's responsibility to validate the ASCVD calculation with the sample file. You should download the sample file and validate that the ASCVD calculations are accurate and that the document is in an acceptable format for your needs. At a minimum, test data for the following four patient types: black male, black female, non-black male, non-black female.

Step 4: Purchase Download Token

You must purchase a download token ($99 USD) to download your entire data set with ASCVD risk values. Upon successful purchase, a download token will be generated and populated in the textbox in step 5 below. Please contact us ( with any questions or issues.

Step 5: Download File

Your download token can only be used one time. Once you have reviewed the ASCVD sample file for accuracy, click the "Download File" button below to use your token.

About This Calculator

This conversion tool calculates a 10-year ASCVD (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease) risk from an Excel document. For optimal security and privacy, all calculations are conducted on the user's computer; no data from the Excel document are transmitted to

The ASCVD calculation is derived from the 2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk. 1 Note that the ACC website (ASCVD Risk Estimator Plus) includes additional input variables (diastolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, aspirin, statin, etc.) that are not components of the 10-year ASCVD risk calculation but are used for other components of the ACC website.

How to Use this Conversion Tool

The following video uses this sample Excel file; however, users may use any spreadsheet format or data coding method when using this website.


While this calculator has been extensively tested for accuracy with the 2013 ACC/AHA 10-year ASCVD risk calculation, it is the user's responsibility to validate ASCVD calculations with the inputted data set. Validation can occur with the ASCVD Calculator or the ACC Risk Estimator Plus. At a minimum, users should validate ASCVD calculations for the following four patient types: black male, black female, non-black male, and non-black female.

Source Code

For developers wanting to integrate ASCVD calculations into web or mobile applications, see Pooled Cohort Risk Assessment Equations Source Code for more information.


This website utilizes the SheetJS library to process Excel documents.

Contact Us

Please contact us ( with any questions or issues regarding your unique data set or payment issues.


  1. 2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk. doi: 10.1161/​01.cir.0000437741.48606.98.


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