ICU Trials by ClinCalc

Summarized landmark critical care trials on your mobile device

ICU Trials Screenshot: Alpha-Sorted Trials
ICU Trials Screenshot: Trials Sorted by Specialty, Disease, Intervention, or Date
ICU Trials Screenshot: An example of a trial summary (CORTICUS)
ICU Trials Screenshot: Emailing a colleague with a trial citation
ICU Trials Screenshot: The app prompts you to update as new trials are added

Improve your patient care with summarized landmark ICU trials at your fingertips

Critical care encompasses a wide array of disease states with ever-changing, conflicting literature. As clinicians, it is important to be knowledgeable of seminal landmark trials, but also be familiar with the most cutting-edge pivotal trials.

ICU Trials by ClinCalc is a quick pocket reference for both the novice and seasoned ICU clinician. This app does not replace the original manuscript of these landmark trials – instead, it serves as a fast reference and learning tool for some of the most important critical care trials over a wide range of specialties.

Key Features

  • Brief summary statement of the trial's major findings as it applies to clinical practice
  • Detailed view of each trial's pertinent inclusion/exclusion criteria, treatment protocols, and pertinent findings
  • Expert commentary regarding subgroup analyses, significant methodologic limitations, and historical clinical context
  • "Share" feature to send a PubMed link via email to students, residents, and other colleagues
  • Frequent updates to the trial database on a regular basis, including both new, groundbreaking trials and older, historical landmark trials

Reviews of ICU Trials

outstanding. one of a kind

As an academic intensivist, I have been desperately looking for an app like this for quite some time. I very much like the professional way in which these ICU trials are presented. I will definitely use at the bedside as part of teaching rounds. I look forward to updates. This app is definitely worth a look if you are involved in ICU care.

By RichSavel
Catchin up w/ literature? Look no further

Best App ever for keeping up w/ lost/forgotten/catchup literature

By Ntsimbi

A nice summary and updated regularly. Helps to keep the overview. Very much recommended. Way to go. Great compilation for quick overview. Would recommend this app as a quick reference which is up to date. Hope for more to come.

By A Google User
ICU trials

A great app to look at when you have some downtime. Concise and relevant with easy links to original papers

By Doso1346

Landmark Trials in Critical Care

ICU Trials features 150+ pivotal trials related to the care of the critically ill patient, with more trials added on a regular basis. The following are a sampling of the summarized trials available in ICU Trials:

  • ABC Awake and breathing trial
  • ACURASYS Cisatracurium for early ARDS
  • Annane 2002 Hydrocortisone therapy for septic shock
  • ANZICS Dopamine Renally-dosing dopamine in early renal dysfunction
  • ARDSnet 2000 Lower tidal volumes for ARDS
  • Bernard 2002 Australian hypothermia study for out-of-hospital arrest
  • CAST Early aspirin use in acute ischemic stroke
  • CESAR Conventional vent support vs. ECMO for ARDS
  • Chastre 2003 8 vs. 15 days of antibiotics for VAP
  • COMMIT Early use of metoprolol in acute MI
  • CORTICUS Hydrocortisone therapy for septic shock
  • CRASH 2 Tranexamic acid in trauma patients
  • CRISTAL Colloids versus crystalloids for ICU hypovolemia
  • DOSE Furosemide bolus vs. infusion, low vs. high dose in decompensated heart failure
  • ECASS III Alteplase 3 to 4.5 hours after acute ischemic stroke
  • EPaNIC Early vs. late parenteral nutrition
  • ESCAPE Efficacy of PA catheters in decompensated heart failure
  • FACTT Conservative vs. liberal fluid management in ARDS
  • HACA European hypothermia study for out-of-hospital arrest
  • IABP-SHOCK II Intraaortic balloon support in ACS with early revascularization
  • Jones 2010 Lactate clearance vs. ScvO2 for Early Goal-Directed Therapy
  • Kress 2000 Daily interruption of sedative infusions
  • LaSRS Late rescue steroids for ARDS
  • Leuven I Intensive insulin therapy in the SICU
  • Leuven II Intensive insulin therapy in the MICU
  • Meduri 1998 Meduri protocol for unresolving ARDS
  • Meduri 2007 Meduri protocol for early ARDS
  • NICE-SUGAR Intensive insulin therapy in the MICU/SICU
  • NINDS Alteplase within 3 hours for acute ischemic stroke
  • PROSEVA Prone positioning in severe ARDS
  • PROWESS Xigris for severe sepsis
  • PROWESS-SHOCK Xigris for septic shock
  • Rivers 2001 Early goal-directed therapy for severe sepsis and septic shock
  • SAFE Albumin vs. saline for fluid resuscitation
  • SHOCK Early revascularization versus medical stabilization in cardiogenic shock
  • SLEAP Light sedation with and without daily interruption
  • SOAP-II Dopamine vs norepinephrine for shock
  • Strøm 2010 Sedationless mechanical ventilation
  • Temkin 1990 Phenytoin for post-traumatic seizure prophylaxis
  • TTM Therapeutic hypothermia with 33°C versus 36°C
  • VA Status Co-Op Study Comparison of four treatments for status epilepticus
  • VASST Vasopressin vs additional norepinephrine for septic shock
  • Wunderink 2012 Linezolid vs. vancomycin for MRSA HAP
And 40+ more trials and counting as more are added regularly



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