RxHero is an educational game for healthcare students and professionals to learn the Top 250 Drugs.
It's time to go beyond basic flashcards and drug cards to learn the most important facts about drug therapy. RxHero uses gamification concepts to motivate you to keep learning with quest campaigns and in-game points that help you achieve higher player ranks.
RxHero utilizes the ClinCalc DrugStats list to identify the top 250 most commonly prescribed outpatient medications. By using this evidence-based drug list, your study time will be optimized to the drugs that you are most likely to encounter in clinical practice. In fact, these top 250 medications represent about 95% of all prescribed medications in the United States.
Books and manufactured drug flashcards are bloated with densely packed information that makes learning and rapid quizzing difficult. RxHero focuses on simple, usable drug information with a drop-dead simple user interface to focus your time on quickly training your brain to develop a rock-solid core knowledge of drug therapy facts.
The following facts are built into the RxHero drug database:
Under the hood, RxHero silently tracks your learning progress of each drug fact using a 3-box Leitner adaptive-learning system. You are more likely to be assessed on drug facts in "Box 1", less time is spent with "Box 2" facts, and even less time on "Box 3" facts. Using this system, your time is focused on unlearned or difficult drug facts that require more of your attention.
All flashcards start in box 1. When a card is correctly answered, it is promoted to the next box. If a card is answered incorrectly, it is demoted back to Box 1.
Using a multi-modal approach, drug facts are presented in a variety of formats to help you master the material. Brand and generic names are frequently interchanged and your knowledge is assessed using matching games, quizzes, and even drug spelling activities -- all of which will challenge your brain and take your drug therapy learning to the next level.
Yes, as a healthcare provider you need to know how to correctly pronounce and spell drugs! RxHero embeds a speaker icon () throughout the app so that you can hear the brand and generic drug names from a real-life person.
Instead of using flashcards or multiple choice, the act of spelling a drug name engages a different part of your memory. While learning how to spell a drug is important, this multi-modal approach is extremely effective in activating new pathways to learning drug therapy.
Flashcards and books quickly become laborious and boring. Even for the most motivated learner, it's hard to stay engaged and interested in the content. To solve this problem, educators have identified that adding a competitive, gaming theme to any learning scenario dramatically improves learner motivation and engagement.
RxHero uses basic gamification principles by implementing a point-based system to achieve learner ranks as well as a star system to demonstrate proficiency in a specific drug category. This simple gaming theme keeps you more engaged for longer periods of time, meaning you learn the essentials of drug therapy quicker and with less effort.
RxHero contains a complete drug library of 250 drugs from 11 other drug sections, including:
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